
Protein Supplement
Pre-cooked pulses are nutritional powerhouses as they are high in protein and low in fat, with good levels of fiber, making them ideal additions to a wide variety of food products. All pulse products are naturally pre-cooked, and can be bumped, flaked or milled, depending on the required application. Our pulse products are non-GMO and are certified Kosher and Halal, and can be purchased as conventional or organically certified. Product development staff are available to custom design ingredients for your application.
Hot Cereal and Bakery Ingredients
Kamut® Khorasan Wheat can be substituted for wheat in any recipe and is used to make bread, cookies, crackers, muffins, pasta and breakfast cereal. Kamut® Khorasan Wheat kernels can be cooked pilaf-style, like rice or couscous, and make a good addition to soups. Cooked Kamut® Khorasan Wheat can also be eaten cold in salads. InfraReady processes Kamut® Khorasan Wheat into flakes for use in, hot cereal and bakery ingredients.
Brewery & Distillery Applications for Food & Beverage Industries
Although Barley is primarily grown for brewing and feed applications, it is also a great cereal grain for use in the food industry. Barley is high in beta-glucan soluble fibres, which when included as part of a healthy diet, have been known to aid in digestive and health, as well as regulate blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels. Grains like barley, wheat, and rye are essential ingredients in distillery and craft brewing operations. They form the foundation of beers and spirits, being subjected to mashing, fermentation, and distillation processes to yield the final beverage. After production, the remaining grains, which make up about 85% of the waste from brewing, are often recycled into eco-friendly substitutes or utilized in agriculture and baking.
Whole Grain Flakes, Meals & Flours
AnthoGrainTM Wheat can be processed into whole grain flakes, meals, and flours, which all provide a high source of dietary fiber. Foods enriched with AnthoGrainTM Wheat are rich in fiber, vitamin, and antioxidants. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the health benefits of antioxidants and fiber and are seeking to improve their diets through regular consumption of foods rich in these constituents.
Wheat Flour Substitute
Spelt flour can be substituted for wheat flour in many products, including but not limited to: breads, pasta, cookies, crackers, cakes, muffins, pancakes and waffles. The starch in spelt is more soluble than the starch in wheat, and recipes containing spelt flour will frequently require less water. People with wheat allergies or wheat intolerances also commonly report that spelt is easier to digest.
Bakery & Breakfast Cereal Applications
Ancient Grain Blends are available in precooked whole grain flake, meal and/or flour forms, and are customized to meet your requirements. Our infrared pre-cooking step enable the grains within the blend to absorb more water than that of raw grains, eliminating the need for presoaking, while also bringing quality, innovative, whole grain solutions to our customers. Wheat is a popular and functional ingredient for bakery and breakfast cereal applications, available in Red, White and Purple varieties.
Gluten Free Bakery & Snacks
Amaranth grain is particularly high in lysine, an amino acid that most grains lack. Amaranth grain is free of gluten, which is important for people with gluten allergies. InfraReady processes amaranth into pre-cooked meals and flours, for use in the baking industry. Millet can often be used in recipes as a substitution for buckwheat, rice, or quinoa. Protein content in millet is very close to that of wheat; however millet contains no gluten. Celiac patients can replace certain cereal grains in their diets by consuming millet in various forms including, but not limited to breakfast cereals. Millet is rich in vitamin B, niacin, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. InfraReady produces pre-cooked millet for the bakery, breakfast cereal and nutritional bar industries.

Experience the difference Infrared technology can make when paired with high-quality ingredients.
Reach out to us to explore how our products and processes can help your business.